This Oral Medication used for Oral Conscious Sedation in dentistry are from a group of drugs known as Benzodiazapines. Not only do these medications have a sedative effect they also have some degree of amnesic effect for most people. Patients remember little or nothing about their dental appointment.
Advantages to Dental Oral Sedation:
- Easy to administer: Swallow a small pill
- It is safe and easy to monitor
- Works well for most people
- Low Cost
Disadvantages of Dental Oral Sedation:
- The level of Sedation is not easily changed
- Someone must drive you to and from your dental appointment
- There is no analgesic (pain relief effect)
What medications are used for Dental Oral Sedation?
- The most common medication is Halcion (triazolam). Halcion provides a deep level of relaxation and amnesia effect.
- For children the most common medication is Versed (Medazolan) which is a liquid.